After a ten day hiatus I'm back to the blogging world! I've been in Nova Scotia the past 10 days, revisiting old haunts & friends in Antigonish, family in Halifax, & examining an endless array of bacterial culture plates in a microbiology lab in Wolfville (you know you're jealous ;). It rained 8 out of 10 days & I was clad in a highly attractive white lab coat for the most part, so hopefully you'll understand why the blog remained untouched. I also had only a point & shoot with me, so my apologies for the lack of photos!
In a quick recap of my week:
Antigonish (the quaint little town I went to university in) was fun to revisit; indulging in delicious food at my favourite cafe & playing catch-up with people I haven't seen all year. In Halifax I got to meet one of my newest little cousins, the adorable Sam (whose closet may well rival mine). Finally in Wolfville (where I had to go for a Microbio lab) I eased the pain of poor weather & daily dealings with E.coli with great company & some pretty serious cuisine indulgence. It was my first time visiting the teeny tiny town, which I can now say without a doubt is the most delightful of Maritime towns! The plethora of Victorian houses is to die for, & the restaurants... oh my! I was amazed at the sheer amount of restaurants & bistros (each with vegan menu options, hallelujah!) for such a small population. They were all top notch & highly recommendable. Admittedly we ate out for every single meal. Whether I magically gained 10 lbs in the process remains to be seen haha. It was a lovely time none the less.
I've got 2 weeks crammed with German lessons ahead of me, but I'm feeling pretty refreshed & ready to get my blogging mojo back. Outfit photos to come tomorrow so stay tuned :)
[A couple quick photos in & around STFX university; obligingly shot by my weekend hostess Jenna Gillis, on our way home from sup Saturday evening]